
A Culture of Respect in the Learning Environment

Georgetown University School of Medicine is an institution rooted in the Catholic, Jesuit ideal of cura personalis, care of the whole person. The School of Medicine is committed to creating and sustaining an educational environment that fosters the values and virtues of mutual respect, trust, honesty, collegiality, compassion, and accountability. Such values and virtues are especially critical to effective relationships between teachers and learners, which are a significant force in the intellectual and ethical formation of future physicians. A teacher’s function as a role model for students is fundamental to the educational mission of a medical school.

Behaviors that fail to reflect and embody these values and virtues not only undermine the efficacy of the teacher-learner relationship, they also threaten the integrity of the educational mission itself.

The full Teacher-Learner Relationship & Procedures to Address Student Mistreatment Policy is located in Appendix C of the Student Handbook.