GEMS Post-Baccalaureate Program

How to Apply

The application for the 2025-2026 GEMS Class closes March 31, 2025

Georgetown Experimental Medical Studies Program (GEMS)

The Georgetown Experimental Medical Studies (GEMS) Program is designed to benefit those who have experienced and/or overcome significant challenges or adversity. This one-year, post-baccalaureate, non-degree educational experience will equip students with learning strategies and advanced academic skills for success in medical education.

Four headshots of alumni from the GEMS program: Berline Francis, MD, Alberto Perez, MD, Brendon Peterson, MD, and Alex Sova, MD

Our Educational Methodologies

GEMS students are “learning how to learn” through rigorous academic skills enrichment coupled with unique, one-on-one, customized advising.

A graphic illustration depicting test tubes, a brain and a test in three blue hexagons

Academic Skills Enrichment

A GEMS student will experience a rigorous curriculum comparable to the experience of first-year medical students. Our educational intervention expands students’ medical science knowledge and enriches critical thinking and test-taking skills.

Unique, One-on-One, Customized Advising

Our method of advising addresses strengths and areas of improvement unique to the individual student and provides strategies that are customized to the individual student’s learning preference for success.

A pie chart represents advising areas: Higher Order Thinking, Learning Behavior, Mentor Feedback, Student Accountability, and Learning Strategies

GEMS Program Student Outcomes

As a result of the GEMS Program experience, students will:

Demonstrate enhanced confidence in mastery of medical science knowledge and critical-thinking skills for clinical contexts
Display an increased understanding of learning behaviors and strategies for success in medical education
Employ reflection and adaptive skills for lifelong learning

GEMS Program Results

From 1977 to 2024, graduates of the GEMS Program have matriculated in Georgetown University School of Medicine, as well as other schools of medicine, to attain the degree of Doctorate of Allopathic Medicine.

GEMS physician graduates make significant contributions to meeting the health care needs of the nation’s most vulnerable and underserved populations. They are trailblazers in all areas of clinical specialty, academia and research throughout the world.

Five gem shaped cutouts hold images of physicians working in different situations