GEMS Program Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions
1. How Competitive is the GEMS Program?
Admissions to the GEMS Program is competitive. In 2024, 103 applications were submitted, and 32 applications were considered by the Admissions Committee. 17 students were invited for an interview, and 15 students matriculated into the 2024-2025 GEMS Class.
2. What is the Admissions Process?
Completed applications are reviewed by the GEMS Admissions Committee which is comprised of members of the medical school faculty and staff, physician graduates of the GEMS Program, community leaders and former GEMS students. Incomplete applications are not reviewed. Each member of the Committee reviews the applications. The Committee meets for a discussion of each applicant and the Committee decides by majority vote if the candidate will be invited to spend a day at Georgetown to be interviewed. Candidates who are not invited to interview will not be accepted to the GEMS Program.
3. Are Interviews Required?
Yes, interviews are required for acceptance to the GEMS Program. Last year 16% of applicants were invited to interview, and 94% of applicants interviewed were granted an admissions offer for the 2024 – 2024 GEMS program.
Between April 1, 2025 – April 30, 2025, candidates will be notified by email and/or telephone if an interview will be extended. Applicants invited to interview will participate in virtual interview activities over two days. The interview will take place on Monday, April 21, 2025, and Tuesday, April 22, 2025 or Monday, May 5, 2025 and Tuesday, May 6, 2025. Virtual interview activities will occur from 11:00AM-8:00PM Eastern Standard Time. Final decision offers to matriculate into the 2025-2026 GEMS Program will be sent by May 31, 2025.
4. What Type of Student is the GEMS Admissions Committee Seeking?
GEMS Class Profiles Under the New MCAT
GEMS Class Year | Class Size | Average Science GPA | New MCAT Average |
2017-2018 | 33 | 2.81 | 495.7 |
2018-2019 | 15 | 2.88 | 498 |
2019-2020 | 16 | 3.07 | 497.9 |
2020-2021 | 23 | 2.92 | 499.7 |
2021-2022 | 21 | 3.03 | 500.2 |
2022-2023 | 18 | 2.99 | 499 |
2023-2024 | 15 | 2.95 | 499 |
2024-2025 | 14 | 3.09 | 499 |
The Committee is especially interested in students who have experienced and/or overcome significant challenges or adversity in their educational journey. The Committee seeks mature, highly motivated, disciplined, assertive learners with modest undergraduate grades and MCAT scores. Most of the students accepted to the GEMS Program would be considered “high risk” if MCAT scores and science grades were the only admissions criteria.
For the 2025-2026 GEMS Application Cycle, the GEMS Admissions Committee is most receptive to applicants with a Science GPA of at least 2.50, and a minimum MCAT Total Score of 500, with a preference for subsection scores of 125 or higher.
MCAT Percentile Rank Summary in effect May 1, 2024 – April 30, 2025
5. How are GEMS Students Evaluated?
Students accepted to the 2025-2026 GEMS Program will complete courses selected from the first-year medical student course requirements and be graded in the same manner as freshman medical students. The grades are Pass or Fail. An internal grade of “Low Pass” corresponds to the lowest 10% of the class. A grade of “Low Pass” or Fail results in dismissal from the GEMS Program. A graduate-level Biochemistry course and Pathophysiology course will be taken with other graduate students at the school of medicine and are graded in the same manner as graduate students (i.e. A, B, C …..). GEMS students also complete elective courses that are graded “Satisfactory” or “Unsatisfactory”. An “Unsatisfactory” grade results in dismissal from the GEMS Program.
6. What Courses will Former GEMS Students Take if Admitted to Georgetown University? Do Students Retake the MCAT?
If admitted, former GEMS students — now medical students –will be enrolled in all elements of the 18-month integrated medical curriculum, including the relevant portions completed during the GEMS academic year. Students are not required to retake the MCAT for consideration to Georgetown School of Medicine once enrolled in the GEMS Program.
7. Describe a Typical Day for the GEMS Students.
GEMS students begin their day at 8:00 am and participate in facilitated small group learning sessions, didactic lectures with medical students monitored independent study periods and on-line quiz sessions. The GEMS Program is a full-time experience and students rarely finished scheduled activities before 5 p.m.
8. Online Application
- MCAT Test Scores:
In the test scores section of the GEMS application, at least one set of score boxes must be completed for your most recent MCAT exam. Please only complete the score boxes that are relevant to your MCAT experience. All other boxes should remain “blank” if not relevant to your MCAT experience.
- Transcript Upload:
Please follow these directions to upload your transcript. Go to Documents: Click ‘Status’ (near top of screen, under ‘Profile’) -> click ‘Documents.’
9. Notification of Admissions Decisions
Between April 1, 2025 – April 30, 2025, candidates will be notified by email and/or telephone if an interview will be extended. Applicants invited to interview will participate in virtual interview activities over two days. The interview will take place on Monday, April 21, 2025, and Tuesday, April 22, 2025 or Monday, May 5, 2025 and Tuesday, May 6, 2025. Virtual interview activities will occur from 11:00AM-8:00PM Eastern Standard Time. Final decision offers to matriculate into the 2025-2026 GEMS Program will be sent by May 31, 2025.
10. GEMS Tuition & Living Expenses
Tuition and fees for the 2024-2025 GEMS Program is $28,506.00 — the 2025-2026 costs will be posted shortly. GEMS students will need an additional $35,000.00 for living and academic expenses. Most GEMS students will cover the costs of the GEMS year with a combination of personal savings, family support and student loans. Some loans are partially based on creditworthiness — financial aid information. External scholarships are also available for accepted students based on the sponsoring organization’s criteria.
11. Success of GEMS
GEMS students who successfully complete all program criteria and school of medicine application requirements are strongly considered (not guaranteed) for an interview to Georgetown School of Medicine. Extension of an interview does not guarantee admission to Georgetown School of Medicine.
From 1977 to 2024, 917 students matriculated into the GEMS program. 572 are physician graduates; 88 are current medical students, and 257 graduates are contributing expertise in other health career paths.
12. GEMS Program Dates for 2025-2026
Fall 2025: Monday, July 7, 2025 – Friday, December 19, 2025
Spring 2026: Friday, January 2, 2026 – Friday, June 5, 2026
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