Class Websites & Calendars

Welcome GUSOM Students!
- If and only if you are a registered GUSoM medical student, please click the All Class Websites link to the left to go to the Medical Student Intranet.
- For Faculty and Staff who are trying to obtain routine student information (Facebooks/Pager Lists, etc.) please click the navigation bar entry entitled “The Podium” to the left. A Georgetown net-id will be required to access the information.
Please take a moment to familiarize yourself with the school policies outlined in the Student Handbook.
Students Seeking Reimbursement for Student Activities Should Do the Following:
- Complete the electronic W-9 form. You will need to put your address (which can be your permanent address) as well as a remittance address (this is where they will mail the check). Please note: This is a secure form and students seeking reimbursement will not be taxed.
- After you have completed Step 1, attach a copy of the completed W-9 to the original receipts for which you are seeking reimbursement and deliver them to Diana Kassar (Med Dent NE120) or Cameron Jones (Med Dent NW111) for processing.
Mentor Lists
Helpful Study Links
Various USMLE Question Banks: