
Under the guidance of attending staff, the student learns principles of local, regional, and general anesthesia. Special emphasis is placed on: preanesthetic assessment; ordering of preanesthetic medication; appropriate administration of intraoperative fluids and electrolytes; intraoperative monitoring; proper airway and ventilatory management; rationale for choosing various anesthetic agents; techniques; principles of pain management; and risks of anesthesia. Practical application of physiological and pharmacological principles is stressed, and clinical work is supplemented by participation in daily rounds, lectures, inservices, and departmental conferences. The student is also introduced to the various research projects and clinical investigations undertaken by the department.
Reporting Time and Location: On the first day of the rotation, please report @ 6:40 to the Anesthesia Office on the lower level (LL) of the CCC Building. Dr Hannallah or Dr Nguyen will meet you for orientation. Please, come wearing scrubs to save preparation time.
On each subsequent day, you are expected to attend the residents’ daily didactic sessions @ 6:30 am, in the Martin Marrietta lecture room on the 1st floor of the Lombardi Cancer Center. Your daily assignments will be posted next to the OR schedule in the anesthesia office. Keep in mind that the first OR case of the day starts @ 7:30 and that you need to join your anesthesia team at least 15 minutes earlier.

- Introduce third year medical students to the basics of the specialty of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry.
Expand upon the introduction to Child and Adolescent Psychiatry in the 2nd year psychiatry course.
- Increase awareness of the role of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry as a medical specialty within both the health delivery system as well as within various social systems (e.g. schools, justice, foster) in order to facilitate better communicate and collaborate with patients, colleagues, and social institutions/systems.
Educate students concerning common and serious psychiatric conditions affecting pediatric populations.
Increase understanding of and sensitivity to the educational, socioeconomic, cultural, and spiritual dimensions of psychiatric illnesses among pediatric populations.

The Dermatology Selective seeks to:
- Introduce third year medical students to the basics of the specialty of dermatology.
- Expand upon the introduction to dermatology in the student’s second year, with increased attention to the clinical applications of morphology and description in dermatology.
- Increase awareness of the role of dermatology as a medical and surgical specialty within the broader health delivery system in order to facilitate better communication and collaboration with patients and colleagues.
- Educate students concerning common and serious dermatological conditions.
- Increase understanding of and sensitivity to the psychological, socioeconomic, cultural, and spiritual dimensions of cutaneous illnesses.
Reporting Time and Location: 8:30am, 5530 Wisconsin Avenue, Suite 730, Chevy Chase, MD *Note: There is parking available but it is $15/day and no discounts are available. As an alternative, the Friendship Heights Metro (Red Line) is within walking distance.

The objectives of the Geriatrics Clerkship are:
- Provide clinical training experience in a variety of settings, including long-term care, sub-acute care and outpatient/ambulatory care, dementia assessment, and psychosocial/cultural aging issues over a range of geriatric diseases.
- Provide training opportunities and resources to practice techniques of evidence-based medicine as applied to geriatrics.
- Promote interest in further training in the specialty of Geriatric Medicine.

The goal of the Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Clerkship is to expose third year students to the breadth of the field of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. In doing so, it is expected that the learner will increase her/her knowledge of the types of medical problems that are commonly experienced by the disabled and appreciate that there exists treatment and/or compensatory techniques that can improve these conditions and lead to a greater degree of functional independence for the affected individual.

Students will have a two-week rotation in General Radiology to learn about the field of Radiology as it pertains to Diagnostic Imaging. The selective will include time spent shadowing in the reading room, as students rotate through various diagnostic imaging sections (Thoracic Imaging, Pediatric Imaging, Musculoskeletal Radiology, Neuroradiology, Breast Imaging, Nuclear Medicine, Ultrasound, and Body CT). Students are expected to attend the daily morning resident lecture and then rotate through the sections in the Department. The afternoons incorporate resident case conferences and dedicated medical student lectures. An end-of-rotation assessment will be held on the final day of the rotation. Course is graded Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory.

The Surgical Pathology Clerkship is designed to introduce the student to the operation of a busy Pathology Department. The student will obtain an overview of the various subdivisions of pathology and observe the practices of surgical pathology, autopsy dissection, hemapathology and cytopathology.