Learner Assessments

Students are assessed throughout the Journeys Curriculum to support their learning and achievement of the Georgetown University School of Medicine graduation competencies. The goals of the program of student assessment are to:
- Provide ongoing feedback to students to support their learning and transition from student to professional
- Provide opportunities for individualized formative feedback
- Promote learning, retention of knowledge and integration of skills aligned with the graduation competencies
- Ensure students have attained by graduation, the competencies required to provide quality patient care
During the Foundational Phase of the Journeys Curriculum, students are assessed primarily during dedicated exam days scheduled on a quarterly basis. Assessments during these exam days include multiple choice exams to assess knowledge and Objective Structured Clinical Exams (OSCE) to assess developing clinical skills. Written reports and other assignments as well as faculty-completed evaluations of small group and preceptorship performance throughout the Foundational Phase assess students on professional skills such as the ability to search and synthesize literature, reflect on learning and personal development, communicate and work with other students, etc. In addition, ungraded weekly quizzes and practice exams from the National Board of Medical Examiners provide formative feedback.
During the Core and Advanced Clinical Phases of the Journeys Curriculum, students are assessed at the end of each required and elective rotation. These assessments include faculty evaluations of performance on the rotation and may also include written exams, OSCEs, written and oral topic presentations, project assignments, and other assessments. Informal and formal verbal and written feedback are provided throughout.
In addition to the course and rotation based assessments, student knowledge and clinical skills are formally assessed via the Unites States Medical Licensing Exam (USMLE) Step 1 at the end of the Foundational Phase and the regional Mid-Atlantic Consortium OSCE, and USMLE Step 2 CK after end of the Core Clinical Phase.