
General Pathology Elective: PATM-500

Department: Pathology

Instructor: Mary A. Furlong, MD,

Location: MedStar Georgetown University Hospital *Students have the option to do a week at MedStar Washington Hospital Center and the DC Medical Examiner Office

Reporting Time and Place: Students will meet with Dr. Furlong at 7:30am in Med-Dent SW205 on the first day of the rotation. Students should expect an email with this information but if they don’t receive it, please contact Dr. Furlong.

Duration: Four Weeks

Max Students: 2 students/block

Description: The Department of Pathology offers a one month comprehensive elective in general pathology that includes weeks at MedStar Georgetown University Hospital, MedStar Medstar Washington Hospital Center and DC Medical Examiner’s office. This rotation provides students with diverse pathology experiences in surgical pathology including neuropathology and eye pathology, dermatopathology, cytology, autopsy and forensic pathology and transfusion medicine. Students can tailor their rotation according to their interests. Goals and objectives will be provided. A final written report is required. Click here for more details.