2013-2014 SNMA Officers
Meet the 2013-2014 SNMA officers! Please feel free to contact any of us here more about our events and opportunities for service.

Terrika Jones, President
I am a current M2 from Columbus, MS. I attended undergrad at Xavier University of Louisiana located in the home of gumbo, brass bands, and Mardi Gras where I received a BS in biology. In my spare time I love to listen to music, catch up with friends, and explore the city. I am definitely a southern girl at heart living in a big city world. (tcj9@georgetown.edu)

Jasmine Pettiford, Vice President
I am currently a second year originally from Raleigh, NC but have resided in Washington, D.C. for the past four years. I attended Duke University for undergrad and received a B.S. in Psychology with a concentration in Neuroscience and a B.A. in Biological Anthropology and Anatomy. I also have a Master of Medical Science from the University of Hong Kong Faculty of Medicine and a M.S. in Biotechnology (with a concentration in Molecular Targets and Drug Discovery) from Johns Hopkins University. In my spare time I enjoy traveling, shopping, and planning special events through my company Socialology. (jp556@georgetown.edu)

Michael Davenport, Secretary
I started out in Upstate New York, headed to Colorado College for a BA in Neuroscience, and arrived at Georgetown where I’m currently an M2. The most meaningful experiences of my life I found in Belize– from medical trips that taught me the importance of serving the underserved, of paying it forward. I believe in dedicating one’s life not to a single cause but a series of evolving causes, because what we believed when we were five isn’t what we believe in now (hopefully). That being said, I’m all about cooking food on the grill, meeting different people, and watching great movies. (mpd57@georgetown.edu)

Amechi Nwabueze, Treasurer
My name is Amechi Nwabueze and I am the Treasurer for SNMA. Currently, I’m a M2 and I love to eat, work out, listen to music, watch tv, and relax with friends. Besides medicine, I enjoy the entertainment world so that includes movies, acting, writing skits, cinematography, and more. (on23@georgetown.edu)

Reuben Falola, Webmaster Historian
I am an M2 student from the Dallas, Texas where everything bigger. I received a BS in biology from Xavier University of Louisiana, and my masters in Health Systems Administration from Tulane University School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine. Volunteering in communities around post-Katrina New Orleans helped to strengthen my commitment to service. In my free time I enjoy playing guitar, learning new languages, hitting the gym, and spending time with family and friends. (raf63@georgetown.edu)

Tanya Dall, Fundraising Chair
I am a second year student here at GUSOM. I am from Southeast Arizona. I earned my BS in Physiology, with a minor in Psychology, from the University of Arizona. My hobbies include cooking, spending time with friends, staying physically active, and taking road trips to visit my extended family. (gi26@georgetown.edu)

Lauren Tam, Community Service Chair
I’m a second year student at Georgetown from a small town in Pennsylvania. I graduated from Duke University, where I majored in Biology and Visual Art and minored in Dance. Before starting medical school, I worked in marketing for a healthcare technology and consulting firm in DC and spent my free time dancing with several hip hop companies, sampling the many cupcakes DC has to offer, and exploring the city. I love working with kids, creating art, reading funny books, and eating snacks of all kinds. (lst6@georgetown.edu)

Nick Scoulios, MAPS Liason
My name is Nick and I am currently an M2 at Georgetown. I am originally from NYC, went to NYU, and majored in Physics. Being fascinated with the nature of the universe, what better way to investigate than by working intimately with the human experience. Yoga is not only a passion but also brings balance into my life. Working with kids has been especially rewarding for me, for what little I can give to them is returned many fold through learning how each of them moves through the space. I love life. (njs51@georgetown.edu)

David Sterns, Mentor-Mentee Liaison
I am a tried-and-true M2 still living in the fading glimmer of M1 year. Originally from the sunny states of California and Florida, I now call Nashville home and have the love of all things music to prove it. I have spent many a time volunteering and working with kiddos and think that will be a great foundation for the events we’re dreaming up for this year. When I’m not studying, I’m usually at the gym, at church, or out exploring the city, but if you have any questions for me, I’ll be sure to squeeze in some time to send you a reply as soon as I can! (jds267@georgetown.edu)

Yemi Okunseinde, H-Rep Coordinator
My name is Olayemi Okunseinde and I am a 2nd year student at Georgetown University School of Medicine. I have been elected High School Student Liason for the 2013-2014 Academic Year and consider myself very fortunate to have this opportunity. Mentorship is an art that consists of many facets including leadership by example, empathy, individualized approaches, and more. Therefore, one can see how it parallels the practice of the art of medicine. Having formally been mentored in numerous positions throughout both my academic and professional career, I feel that I have a good fund of knowledge. Much more importantly, I deeply adhere to the communal approach when it comes to this process. I look forward to what the year has to bring and I thank both SNMA and Georgetown for this chance to offer my best. (ouo2@georgetown.edu)

Nancy Moontasri, Senior Banquet Chair
Born in Colorado but nurtured in Brooklyn, New York where I believe I have eaten the most delicious chicken wing. I hold an MPH from Columbia University and my work-related travels have taken me to Malawi, Kenya, South Africa, Zimbabwe, Botswana, Mozambique, Zambia and all of SE Asia. Working abroad has been instrumental in my passion to work with underserved communities. Some random things I like: farmer’s markets, planners, and thai chili peppers (on everything, except cupcakes). (njm49@georgetown.edu)

Falone Amoah, Membership Chair
My name is Falone Amoa and I am proud to be this year’s membership chair elect. As a Ghanaian woman born and raised right here in Washington, DC, I am no stranger to the happenings of this wonderful city. I graduated with a B.S. in biology from Howard University and a M.S. in biomedical science from Mississippi College. I am grateful for all of the opportunities that I have been granted thus far and look forward to many more in the future. I hope to make this year an outstanding year. (fca6@georgetown.edu)