Student Events

A woman holds locks of hair trimmed from her head during a St. Baldrick's Foundation event at SOM

Event Information Resources

Stay dialed in to the many different events being held both on and off campus by utilizing the following resources:

  1. Student Events Calendar: Maintained by the Student Government, this convenient schedule of Class and Club events makes it easier than ever to engage in social and extracurricular activities.
  2. School of Medicine’s Official Facebook Page 
  3. School of Medicine on X
  4. Class Calendars: Access your class-specific calendar from your class site within the Student Services web page for curriculum-related schedule information. 
  5. GU Events Calendar: The University’s calendar of institutional events and important dates. 

Planning an Event?

All events must be registered through the School of Medicine’s electronic Student Event Registration Form. Advanced registration of events is preferable whenever possible.

For additional information on how to publicize an upcoming event, please contact the Office of Student Affairs at