
Mentor List by Specialty

ISP Guidelines

ISP Student Collaboration Policy                                    

ISP Checklist for Success

Research Funding Resources

DML Research Guides ______________________________________________________________________

Invited to present at a National Conference: Please visit the GUSoM Conference Reimbursement site, go over the information posted and complete the reimbursement request form, link to the form is posted on the same site. 


**** Reimbursements will only be extended to students presenting at conferences.
** Students must request reimbursement prior to the conference. Requests that arrive after the conference will be denied

** Reimbursements will be processed after the conference, and once all supporting documents are submitted (receipts, tickets, invoices….etc)

-> Reimbursable expenses are:
*** Registration or Membership fees association with conference
*** Poster printing
*** Airfare (award miles are not reimbursable)
*** Lodging
The maximum reimbursement amount is $650.

**** Students are eligible to receive one conference reimbursement per academic year upto the allowable maximum reimbursement amount ($650.00). There are no exceptions (i.e., students cannot receive one $400 reimbursement and one $250 reimbursement).
**** Reimbursements will only be extended to students presenting at conferences


  • The Georgetown Medical Review (GMR) is an academic journal which strives to promote quality original research, facilitate the exchange of new ideas, and establish a collaborative and educational environment in the Georgetown University community. We strive to foster the development of analytic appraisal and communication skills through student exposure to the intricacies of academic publishing. For more information such as recent publication, how to submit a Manuscript for publication with us and/or information for Manuscript Authors and more, please visit our site – Georgetown Medical Review (GMR)
    • Helpful information for Publication:
  • Dahlgren Memorial Library (DML) has partnerships with a few select journals, found here. If your manuscript is accepted, the submission fees will be waived.
  1. Open the above link (login with NetID and password).
  2. Click Browse Journals (along the top). OR try the “Match my Manuscript” feature.
  3. On the left, click “Filter” and then “Categories” and browse for your manuscript’s discipline.
  4. Click Apply button
  5. The resulting list are journals ranked by Impact Factor. You would have to review each journal’s website to determine if they accept your type of manuscript (tedious but maybe enlightening?) and if there are any article processing charges.

SPI-Hub  (Scholarly Publishing Information Hub): Add your keywords to the search box one at a time. On the results page, you can compare up to five journals, but you will have to verify that they accept your article type as a  manuscript submission.

JANE  (Journal Author Name Estimator): Like SPI-Hub, you can add keywords or your entire title and abstract. But here you can click “Show extra options” and select English language and article type and open access options (exclude open access because they are most often charge for publication).

Review the references within your paper; if there are good number coming from a specific journal, you can try to target that journal.

Guidelines on Authorship & Contributionship

  • Avoid using too much text; attempt to use graphs, tables, and charts that highlight your results.
  • Your discussion section should probably be no longer than two paragraphs. In the discussion, you should highlight the relevant findings and draw comparisons with what has been previously reported in the medical literature. It is also important to acknowledge the limitations of your study in the discussion.
  • Your conclusions slide should summarize the most important findings in your study and should appear as bullet points.
  • _________________________________________________________________________

Case Report Guidelines for your ISP

Although many of you will participate in more rigorous and hypothesis driven project, some of you may choose to use a case report as your ISP. Please note that just because a patient is interesting to you, it may not be appropriate for your ISP.  In order for a Case Report to be eligible as an ISP, it must be appropriate for publication in a peer-reviewed journal. In order to help guide you with the eligibility of your case report, the American College of Physicians (ACP) has developed some guidelines that are on their website.


Georgetown University and Georgetown University School of Medicine Research Survey distribution Policy to be followed

The university has a survey policy that applies to any surveys being delivered to more than 100 Georgetown community -> (students, faculty, staff)

See website for details and the application form/approval process.

University Survey Policy | Office of Assessment and Decision Support | Georgetown University

The GUSoM has an additional policy for surveys of less than 100 people and recruitment for other research studies.  If surveying class of M3s and M4s, the university policy applies and the research team needs to apply for approval from with the main university.

Georgetown School of Medicine Survey and Study Recruitment Policy
The School of Medicine (SOM) Survey and Study Recruitment Policy supplements the
University Survey Policy that was approved by the Georgetown University Faculty Senate in
March 2021. The goal of these policies is to balance the requests for research surveys and
participation with respect for students’ time and attention. They aim to reduce survey fatigue,
ensure surveys meet IRB requirements, and prioritize surveys that align with the goals and
benefit with broader interests of the GUSoM.
The University Survey Policy and the GUSoM Survey Policy do NOT apply to surveys conducted
for administrative, educational (e.g. curricular evaluation/feedback), or internal decision-making
Survey Approval

  1. Surveys that involve 100 or more Georgetown students, faculty, and staff must be
    submitted to the main campus Office of Assessment and Decision Support (OADS) for
    approval (Survey Application Form | Office of Assessment and Decision Support |
    Georgetown University).

    a. A member of the GUSoM Assessment Office sits on the OADS survey coordinating
    group and is involved in the approval process
    b. Approval by OADS indicates approval from the GUSoM
  2. Surveys that involve less than 100 students must be submitted directly to the GUSoM
    Assessment Office for approval (; SOM Survey Approval
    Request Form).

    a. The GUSoM Assessment Office may engage student leadership for input in
    prioritizing surveys for approval
  3. Survey approval requests need to come from Georgetown University, Georgetown
    School of Medicine, or MedStar community member. Surveys from outside institutions need to have a Georgetown or MedStar collaborator or sponsor. Surveys from within the institution will
    be prioritized over surveys from outside the institution.

    Survey Dissemination
    Access to student class listservs is limited to key GUSoM Dean’s Office personnel and student
    leadership. Individuals MAY NOT use the listserv to distribute research surveys or recruit
    students as subjects for studies without prior approval.
  4. Surveys that have been approved by OADS or GUSoM will be provided to the student
    leadership, who will send out the survey requests as part of their weekly notice to the
    study body.
  5. Alternatively, OADS may provide a mailing list along with their approval, allowing
    direct email communications with students.
    Recruitment for Non-Survey Research
  6. Non-survey studies that wish to use the listserv to send recruitment emails to students
    must request approval from the SOM Assessment Office.
    a. The SOM Assessment Office may engage student leadership for input
  7. If approved, the recruitment notice will be included in the student leaderships weekly


Information on the Georgetown University Institutional Review Board (IRB)

  • Web page for IRB System, including guidance documents and login: The IRB website has useful additional information.  IRB team is continually making improvements to the site. Students should visit the IRB site any time IRB information is needed. You will also find the link to the google form to request an account on this page.

Email address  is monitored regularly, and questions are answered and directed to the right person rapidly. 

CITI Training

All students conducting research and submitting an IRB application will need to complete CITI Training. You will need to go to the CITI website and create an account.

The main courses that should be completed are: 

  • Group 1: Biomedical research investigators and key personnel
  • Group 4: HIPAA and Human Subjects


Free biostatistical support is available to any medical student who wishes to take advantage of this opportunity for their ISP. We are very fortunate to introduce:

Valeriy R. Korostyshevskiy, PhD

Biostatistics, Bioinformatics, and Biomathematics

For students working on their ISP, please complete this form and return it to Dr. Valeriy R. Korostyshevskiy (