Specialty Disrespect is a Microaggression

Text version of Flyers
#1 (left side)
White header with maroon text saying “Is ___ even a real specialty?” #Notjustajoke
[Body section in light blue background and clipart of checklist]
Text reads “know the signs of specialty disrespect as a microaggression”
- Verbal, noverbal, and environmental slights, snubs or insults
- Intentional or unintentional
- Communicate hostil, derogatory, or negative messages to target persons based solely upon their group membership
- Hidden messages that invalidate the group identity or experiential reality of target persons
- Demean on a personal or group level
- Communicate to victims that they are lesser human beings or suggest they do not belong with the majority group
- Threaten and intimidate, or relegate the victim to inferior status and treatment
White footer with ODEI logo on left side and QR code on right side that links back to the page. Maroon text in center reads “To learn more signs visit: https://som.georgetown.edu/specialty-respect/”
#2 (right side)
Yellow header with black text saying “Is ___ even a real specialty?” #Notjustajoke
[Body section in navy blue background and white text]
How to respond to specialty disrespect with stop, talk and roll
Stop: stop the conversation, keep an appropriate distance in case the situation escalates, assess the situation
Talk: immediately consult with your supervising resident or attending
Roll: reach out to school of medicine staff or peers for immediate, confidential, and safe support
Yellow footer with ODEI logo on left side and QR code on right side that links back to the page. Black text in center reads “To learn more signs visit: https://som.georgetown.edu/specialty-respect/”
#3 (left side)
[Blue and Gray banner on white background]
- #Specialty
[Body section in red background and black text]
Text reads “know the signs of specialty disrespect as a microaggression”
- Internal med docs are “nerds”
- How are you going to do ortho.. You’re so small (and a woman)
- People in psych are psychotic themselves
[Body section in the middle, in large black font]
- Funny Hurts
[Body section in red background and black text]
- OB/GYN residents are mean and miserable
- Did you pass step 1? Okay, then you can definitely match psychiatry
- Surgeons just want to operate. Don’t care about the patient
White footer with ODEI logo on left side and QR code on right side that links back to the page. Maroon text in center reads “To learn more signs visit: https://som.georgetown.edu/specialty-respect/”
#4 (right side)
[Blue and Gray banner on white background]
- #Specialty
[Body section in light green background and black text]
When asked how specialty disrespect statements made them feel, this is what students said
[Image of word map with words]:
- Stigmatized
- Disrespected
- Scared
- Mistreated
- Labeled
- Offended
- Pressured
- Abused
- Wary
- Harmed
- Unprofessional
- Negative
- Disappointed
#5 (left side)
[Blue and Gray banner on white background]
- #Specialty
[Body section has a picture of an iceberg in the background with gray and yellow text]
Light Intent
Heavy Impact
“I’m afraid to talk about my interests”
I have reconsidered my specialty
#6 (right side)
[Blue and Gray banner on white background]
- #Specialty
Yellow header with black text saying “Is ___ even a real specialty?” #Notjustajoke
[Body section has a picture of a human figure carrying a heavy weight with text]
I’m afraid to talk about my interests
I have reconsidered my specialty
Air quotes with “It was just a joke” and “Get over it”
[Text underneath]
Light Intent.
Heavy Impact.
Yellow footer with ODEI logo on left side and QR code on right side that links back to the page. Black text in center reads “To learn more signs visit: https://som.georgetown.edu/specialty-respect/”