Class Websites & Calendars

closeup photo of Georgetown University Seal in Healy Hall

Welcome GUSOM Students!

  • If and only if you are a registered GUSoM medical studentplease click the All Class Websites link to the left to go to the Medical Student Intranet.
  • For Faculty and Staff who are trying to obtain routine student information (Facebooks/Pager Lists, etc.) please click the navigation bar entry entitled “The Podium” to the left. A Georgetown net-id will be required to access the information.

Please take a moment to familiarize yourself with the school policies outlined in the Student Handbook.

Students Seeking Reimbursement for Student Activities Should Do the Following:

  1. Complete the electronic W-9 form. You will need to put your address (which can be your permanent address) as well as a remittance address (this is where they will mail the check). Please note: This is a secure form and students seeking reimbursement will not be taxed.
  2. After you have completed Step 1, attach a copy of the completed W-9 to the original receipts for which you are seeking reimbursement and deliver them to Diana Kassar (Med Dent NE120) or Cameron Jones (Med Dent NW111) for processing.

Mentor Lists