Family Medicine

Director: Erica McClaskey, MD, MS
Associate Director: Xerxeser Kayode
Clerkship Objectives
- Demonstrate the unequivocal value of primary care as an integral part of any health care system.
- Teach an approach to the evaluation and initial management of acute presentations commonly seen in the office setting.
- Teach an approach to the management of chronic illnesses that are commonly seen in the office setting.
- Teach an approach to conducting a wellness visit for a patient of any age or gender.
- Model the principles of family medicine care.
- Provide instruction in historical assessment, communication, physical examination, and clinical reasoning skills.
- To provide opportunities for training in rural and underserved settings.
Learning Objectives
- Discuss the principles of family medicine
- Gather information, formulate differential diagnoses, and propose plans for the initial evaluation and management of patients with common presentations
- Manage follow-up visits with patients having one or more common chronic diseases
- Develop evidence-based health promotion/disease prevention plans for patients of any age or gender
- Demonstrate competency in advanced elicitation of history, communication, physical examination and critical thinking skills
- Understand the critical role of family physicians within any health care system
- Determine quality sources of evidence-based medical advice for primary care physicians and be able to apply them in the care of patients
- Communicate effectively using electronic health records
- Demonstrate the ability to complete a medical prescription
- Understand the fundamental components of behavior change and motivational interviewing and know how to apply them in working with patients
- Name and understand the rationale for the six core elements of the chronic care model
- Be familiar with the concept of the patient centered medical home
- Acquire an in-depth understanding of many common outpatient clinical problems
- Evaluate and examine patients with common musculoskeletal complaints
- Describe common primary and secondary dermatologic lesions in primary care and begin to understand treatment modalities for common dermatologic entities
Required Clinical Experiences
- Physical Examination (while observed by attending)
- Counseling, Smoking Cessation
- Abdominal Pain
- Allergic Rhinitis
- Eczema/Atopic Dermatitis
- Headache, Including Migraine
- Hypertension
- Joint Pain
- URI viral/common cold
- Adherence/Compliance
- Cultural Factors
- Routine Health Maintenance
- Midpoint Feedback
- Clinical Performance Assessment by Preceptor
- Final Exam
- In-Class Performance/Small Groups