Obstetrics & Gynecology Clerkship

Director: Jay Benson, MD & David Caiseda, MD
Coordinator: Megan Ferrey
Clerkship/Learning Objectives
(assessment strategy in parenthesis):
- Always demonstrate that you have considered the possibility of pregnancy in any woman of reproductive age by collation of Last Menstrual Period (LMP), sexual activity, form of contraception, and pregnancy test where indicated (oral and written presentations in clinical settings, observed patient encounters, and during Observed Structured Clinical Exam)
- Obtain and record interviews and physical examinations in a non-judgmental, sensitive, and culturally competent fashion without showing cultural or gender bias. (observed patient encounters, and in clinical settings.)
- Develop your professional identity:
- Maintain high standards of professionalism at all times
- Demonstrate a commitment to lifelong learning by asking for, giving, and reflecting on feedback during the clerkship.
- Demonstrate good professional communication skills and promote patient safety through effective transfer of care handoffs. (clinical settings, mid-rotation feedback sessions, peer-to-peer teaching sessions and breaking bad news role play session.)
- Recognize your role as a leader and advocate for women by screening and referring as appropriate for intimate partner violence, substance abuse, and sexually transmitted infections. (clinical settings, OSCE and on the Shelf exam)
- Formulate a differential diagnosis of an acute abdomen including gynecologic emergencies. (clinical settings, OSCE, and on the Shelf exam)
- Master the complete breast and pelvic examination. (ambulatory care settings and OSCE)
- Develop small group teaching skills. (Peer-to-peer teaching sessions/reflections, clinical settings and OSCE)
- Demonstrate knowledge of the following as assessed on the Shelf exam:
- The normal physiologic changes of pregnancy, common obstetric problems, and ante/intra/post partum care.
- Menstrual cycle physiology, and normal and abnormal uterine bleeding.
- Contraception and reproduction, including infertility.
- Common breast conditions and their evaluation and treatment.
- Common gynecological problems such as fibroids, endometriosis, prolapse, incontinence, and pelvic pain.
- Gynecologic malignancies including risk factors, signs and symptoms, and evaluation and treatment.
Required Clinical Experiences
- FHT interpretation
- Breast exam (while observed by faculty)
- Pelvic exam (while observed by faculty)
- Gravid abdominal exam
- Breaking bad news
- Cesarean Section
- Vaginal Delivery
- Pre-eclampsia
- Postpartum hemorrhage
- Pap smear management
- Mammogram management
- Abnormal uterine bleeding
- (female) pelvic pain
- Pelvic infections
- Contraception
- Fibroids
- Menopause
- First trimester complications
- Osteoporosis
- Midpoint Feedback
- Clinical evaluations
- NBME Shelf Exam
- Professionalism