Religious Life

As a Jesuit university, Georgetown provides many opportunities for religious expression. A team consisting of a Catholic Chaplain to the School of Medicine, a Protestant Chaplain, and a Jewish Chaplain, comprise the Campus Ministry staff and are available for counsel and discussion. Catholic Mass is held weekly at 12:05 p.m. in the Saint Ignatius Loyola Chapel, located on the first floor of the Medical/Dental Building adjoining the Chaplain’s Office (Room SW #101). Sunday Mass and Protestant worship are held each week in other campus chapels. Jewish students gather for Shabbat services and dinner at the Jewish Student Center, 1316 36th Street NW. Muslim students meet each week for prayer in Copley Hall on the ground floor adjacent to the Crypt Chapel. 

Other ministers, including the chaplain to Orthodox Christians, serve on the University Campus Ministry staff and are available to medical students. Churches and synagogues are easily accessible from campus. The University sponsors discussions and support groups, personal counseling, retreats, religious services, and festivals for students of various faiths. More information is available at the Chaplain’s Office, Room SW #101, Med-Dent Building, (202) 687-1103, or Healy Hall, Room #113, (202) 687-4300.