Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Workshop Request Hub

Georgetown School of Medicine (GUSOM) educational skills workshops serve faculty, staff and learners at all levels of educational development and interest. 

General Workshops

Workshops offered through the Office of Diversity, Equity, Inclusion & Belonging are recommended for all faculty, staff and students. Menu of trainings are listed below, but can be customized. Request a training for your department/team by emailing somdiversityandinclusion@georgetown.edu.

  • Advancing Racial Justice, Advocacy, Allyship in the Workplace
  • Unpacking 4 I’s of Oppression
  • Defining Racism in American Medicine
  • Responding to Bias and Microaggressions in the Learning Environment
  • Discussing Race & Holding Space for Sensitive Conversations
  • How to create a culture of Belonging and Inclusivity with Your Students

Teaching for Inclusion & Equity Skills Workshops

(TIE) professional development series at GUMC is focused on diversity, inclusion, and equity. Sponsored by the GUSOM Office of Diversity Inclusion, the Georgetown Center for New Designs in Learning and Scholarship (CNDLS), the GUMC Center for Innovation and Leadership in Education (CENTILE), and the Faculty Development Committee (FDC) Subcommittee on Faculty Diversity & Inclusion. The series aims to provide learning opportunities for faculty, staff, students across GUMC and Georgetown, to learn more about teaching content, pedagogy, and develop skills and strategies in creating equitable and inclusive learning environments. TIE consists of stand-alone workshops that can be joined at any time, with 5 workshops constituting a Certificate of Completion.

Implicit Bias Mitigation Workshops

These workshops are offered by trained coaches through the GUMC Bias Reduction Improvement Coaching Program (BRIC). To request a bias workshop, please complete BRIC Presentation Request Form

1-1 Consult with the DEI Dean on your Strategic Diversity Plan

Need advice and support around your diversity, equity, inclusion strategy or to address anti-racism, anti-oppression in your curriculum or training? Email the dean at somdiversityandinclusion@georgetown.edu.