Loan Adjustment Request

To request a federal and/or private loan adjustment (i.e. to return excess loan funds, borrow additional loan funds you are eligible for, or cancel your loan(s) altogether), please click the button below to access the GUSOM Loan Adjustment Request Form.

  • Per FSA guidelines, if you get your loan money, but then you realize that you don’t need the money after all, you may cancel all or part of your loan within 120 days of receiving it and no interest or fees will be charged.
  • Opposingly, if you under budgeted and find that you need additional loan funds, so long as you have not already borrowed to your Cost of Attendance  maximum, you can request further loan funding anytime before 2 weeks prior to the end of the academic year.
  • To determine how much money you have remaining to borrow in the academic year, please email us at