Story of Kelly Smith M.D.

I chose the GEMS program because it was an incredible opportunity to be challenged and learn incredible skills from people that really strive to bring the best of out you and see you for all of the potential you have to be a successful medical student and future physician. GEMS has truly shaped in ways I continue to see everyday. It provided me with so much confidence in my abilities and created such a solid foundation for me to achieve anything I put my mind to in both medical school and residency. I am forever indebted to and grateful for this program.
I came down with strep throat during my gems year and that evening I sent Dean Taylor a message to let him know, and because he’s always on top of things and I think truly never sleeps when I woke up I saw an email from him in the wee hours of the morning providing me with a full schedule of learning from home while I recovered. He never missed a beat!
For current GEMS, this will be the hardest year of your educational journey thus far, it will push you to your limits and change you, but know that it is all to help you reach your greatest potential. Trust the process and keeping giving it 100% everyday and you will see the fruits of your labor. To former GEMS, don’t forget all of the wonderful tools and lessons you learned during the program, they will continue to serve you through medical school and beyond. When in doubt always come back to the foundations you established during the program. Enroll in the GEMS program if you have a deep desire to be a physician and have some areas that you would like to work on, enroll if you are ready for a transformative experience that will impact your life and journey for years to come.”