CuraMD: Emotional Wellness
CuraMD: Well-being Domains & Resources

Emotional wellness is being attentive to your thoughts, feelings, and behaviors, whether positive or negative. You strive to manage your emotions and stress effectively. This dimension of wellness encompasses dealing with situations realistically, coping with change and loss, and responding to life events resiliently. Emotional wellness encourages healthy decision making, taking responsibility for your actions, and learning how both affect others. It promotes self-awareness, self-respect, and inspires the development of inner strength. Overall emotional wellness embraces stress management techniques such as relaxation, reflection, meditation, and self-care.
School of Medicine Emotional Wellness Resources

Lombardi Arts & Humanities Program
The Georgetown Lombardi Arts & Humanities Program (AHP) promotes cura personalis, or care of the whole person, for MedStar Georgetown University Hospital (MGUH) patients, family members, caregivers, medical staff and visitors through its programs of music, expressive writing, dance and visual arts.

Mind-Body Medicine Program
The Mind-Body Medicine Program at the School of Medicine is a curricular elective, taking medical and graduate students through a series of exercises used to promote overall wellbeing, stress management, empathy, self-awareness and self-care.

Counseling & Psychological Services
CAPS is available to all Georgetown medical students. Offering individual and group counseling/psychological services, CAPS also has an embedded full-time counselor at the School of Medicine. (**Note that you are a medical student when scheduling an appointment)

Student Health Center
The Student Health Center (SHC), in addition to other critical services, offers prescription refills and referral services that a part of one’s mental/emotional health treatment plan – all available to Georgetown medical students. (**Extended & weekend hours available to accommodate medical students)

MedStar Georgetown Dept. of Psychiatry
In partnership with the School of Medicine, the MedStar Georgetown Department of Psychiatry offers long-term psychiatry services to Georgetown medical students – a service covered by one’s health insurance plan. (**Note that you are a Georgetown medical student when establishing care)

Campus Ministry
The School of Medicine has an in-house chapel and Catholic Chaplain. Week-day services are offered to all, in addition to spiritual counseling and campus-wide multi-faith Chaplains and programming.

Office of Diversity & Inclusion
The Office of Diversity & Inclusion at the School of Medicine provides an array of resources and support around the unique emotional/mental health issues surrounding identity, bias, and more.

Office of Student Affairs
The Office of Student Affairs at the School of Medicine can assist with connecting you to the appropriate resources, in addition to supporting the unique emotional/mental wellness needs related to your medical education (i.e. medical leave of absence).