CuraMD: Sexual Wellness
CuraMD: Well-being Domains & Resources

Sexual wellness involves engaging in the pursuit of knowledge and the skills needed to make informed, healthy decisions about your sexual self. It requires getting regular check-ups, testing for sexually transmitted infections (STIs) if appropriate, and avoiding risky sexual behaviors. Sexual wellness involves the process of accepting your sexual identity, engaging in sexual relationships that are consistent with your values and development, and refraining from using sex to manipulate or influence others. You promote a culture of consent and are able to clearly communicate and express your sexual limits and honor others limits with openness and acceptance, to include abstinence.
School of Medicine Sexual Wellness Resources

Sexual Assault Peer Educators
The mission of the Georgetown University School of Medicine Sexual Assault Peer Educators (SAPE) is to engage the Georgetown School of Medicine community in addressing and responding to the issue of sexual misconduct.

Student Health Center
The Student Health Center (SHC), in addition to other critical services, offers general health appointments, STI & STD testing, and referral services that a part of one’s health treatment plan – all available to Georgetown medical students. (**Extended & weekend hours available to accommodate medical students)

MedStar Georgetown Department of Psychiatry
In partnership with the School of Medicine, the MedStar Georgetown Department of Psychiatry offers long-term psychiatry services to Georgetown medical students – a service covered by one’s health insurance plan. (**Note that you are a Georgetown medical student when establishing care)

The Ombuds Office provides an informal, impartial, neutral, and confidential environment where medical students can discuss University-related concerns, disputes, and mistreatment concerns. The Ombudsperson can listen, help students achieve a broader understanding of the situation and possible solutions, and identify information and resources that may be of assistance.

Campus Ministry
The School of Medicine has an in-house chapel and Catholic Chaplain. Week-day services are offered to all, in addition to spiritual counseling and campus-wide multi-faith Chaplains and programming.

Counseling & Psychological Services
CAPS is available to all Georgetown medical students. Offering individual and group counseling/psychological services, CAPS also has an embedded full-time counselor at the School of Medicine. (**Note that you are a medical student when scheduling an appointment)

Title IX Coordinator and Mistreatment
The University’s Title IX Coordinator and Deputy Title IX Coordinators provide information about available on- and off-campus resources, explain the University’s formal complaint process, help individuals navigate through the University’s systems, assist with interim protective measures (such as changes in living or academic arrangements), and investigate further where applicable.